• September 28, 2022



A CRY FROM A HOPELESS SITUATION 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

And he said: “I cried out to the LORD because of my affliction, And He answered me. “Out of the belly of Sheol I cried, And You heard my voice. – Jonah 2:2 (NKJV)

Have you ever been in a situation where there was absolutely nothing that you could do? Even if there were people around, there was nothing that they could do. So, you cry out for help. 

I want to tell you a little about a man named Jonah.  Jonah was in a very tight situation where there truly was no hope for him.

In Jonah chapter 1, we discover that Jonah ran from God and caused all types of havoc for the people he was with in his attempt to escape God’s assignment for him. As a result, Jonah ended up in the belly of a very large fish. Jonah, called this place Sheol. 

Sheol means hades or grave. If you really think about Jonah’s situation, he was pretty much bound for death. There was nothing that he could do, and there was nothing that anyone could do for him.  So Jonah cried out to God.

Are you in a tight situation like Jonah? A situation where there is nothing for you to do and nothing that anyone can do for you?  Have you ever felt like this? Overwhelmed?

There is a solution despite the feeling of hopelessness. I want you to first think about the fact that you are alive!! Jonah was swallowed in an entire fish!! Now really think about that!! Jonah was literally in an impossible situation. Now really think about your situation, although it is not ideal, you are alive and you have someone to call on for help. 

Jonah cried out to God!!!! In this particular case, Jonah was the cause for his own mess. Which many of us find ourselves in. A mess that we, ourselves caused.  Now, there are circumstances like another man in the Bible called Job, where he did not do anything wrong to cause his situation. 

The thing is, both of them called out to GOD!!!

Let’s not forget, Jesus also cried out to God when things got tough!! He cried out to God in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross of Calvary.

So, my dear friend, I ask. Are you calling out to God in your impossible situation? Whether it is your fault or not, are you humbled before God to surrender everything over to Him that is in your heart?

That could be deliverance from your own mistakes like Jonah. It could be deliverance from the enemy like Job. It could be strength for endurance to get through the assignment like Jesus. Either way…..Cry out!!!

PRAYER: Dear Lord. I humble myself before your mighty name. You indeed are God who knows all and has all power in your hand. Lord, I come before you and cry out concerning my situation.  Lord, if this is by my own hands, I ask for forgiveness. If this is from the enemy, I ask for protection. If this is your assignment, I ask for endurance. Lord hear my heart’s cry and bring me into your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.