• March 28, 2023



A GOOD STUDENT 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 1Pet 5:6 (NIV)

The instruction in this scripture is contained in the first two words. “Humble yourselves”. In this brief instruction “Humble yourselves”, we can learn much about the kind of person that God is.

Think about school. A teacher who is trying to teach you your times tables, will only lead you so far. Eventually he/she will give you a certain amount of problems, and tell you to “Do it yourself”. Of course, after giving you instruction. In the same way we should see this verse. God is saying through Peter “You need to humble yourself! I can’t do it for you.” 

When Jesus died, and rose again, He won us victory over sin. Before, we met Jesus, could choose nothing; sin was all we could do. But now, we can choose between life and death. Jesus died so we could have that choice back, but He can never make it for us.

The romanticism of conversion in our times can cause us to stray away from the essential food and substance of Christian life, which is instruction.

Humility is a choice you and I make. Much like love, peace, kindness, and all other good things. They are not fluttery transformations that God just turns us into in a wave of supernatural fireworks. What God did through Jesus, was make a Way; a Path for us to be humble, loving, etc. Then he gave instruction so that, if we desired, we could walk that Path with His power. This is the cross Jesus spoke of early on his ministry, the cross that none who hopes to know God can avoid.

Luke 9:23: Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

Do not disregard this as a call to works with no grace, or self-righteous labor. God pleads with us through his word to “Work out” your salvation, and to “desire instruction and wisdom” above all things. He is ever merciful to accept those who have wandered off the Path, but the price of obedience will always remain.

He will not lessen that price in the name of grace, that would be contrary to His character of holiness and love.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for making a way for me to be saved. Thank you for making this walk a learning experience. It has caused me to put my trust in you. Lord, help me to be intentional with you as you were with me by sending Jesus to die on the cross! Help me not only hear the word of God, but do it. Help me to study your word and take responsibility for its translation into my everyday actions. Help me to be an authentic and genuine person of faith. Help us to not be swayed by uncomfortable circumstances that arise from obeying your Word. Help me to trust your words and not lose hope. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.