• April 4, 2022



AT WHAT EXPENSE? 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Ecclesiastes 2:17 AMP – ‘So I hated life, for the work which had been done under the sun caused me only great sorrow; because all is futility and chasing after the wind.’

 I want a house with at least three bedrooms and nice furniture. I want a car that drives well and looks nice. I want to go on vacation once a year, so for that I will need a well-paying job with good benefits. I want to make enough money to keep my kids in private school because public schools don’t always give individualized attention.

Maybe you want some of these things too. I’m not trying to make a point. These are actual things I desire, but at what expense? Where do we draw the line between hard work and vanity? 

 For a long time, I’d do just about anything to achieve this lifestyle. It started off innocent with the belief that hard work pays off. The Bible says that I have to add works to faith, so that’s what I’m doing. But it turned into something much more. Worry became my friend and motivator. Rest was an enemy. There was no time for friends.

I felt like I could never have enough money because I thought money equaled security. “God, is it so wrong that I want to live a good lifestyle? Is it so wrong that I’m working hard for that? It won’t just fall out of the sky.”

 God’s Word is so good because he tells us exactly where to draw the line. The book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that all the things of this world will pass away and that toiling in its very essence is meaningless. I’m working myself into the ground for things that will pass away. It’s not a sin to want a nice house and money, but the question is where have you placed it in your heart? Consider these lines that the Word draws for us. 

  • It’s meaningless to be friendless for the sake of working (Ecclesiastes 4:7-12). 
  • It’s meaningless to not enjoy your work (Ecclesiastes 2: 24-25). 
  • It’s self-destruction to desire anything over God (Mathew 10:39). 

 It’s not a sin to have things, but the difference for believers is where we place “things” in our hearts. If you aren’t willing to give it up for God, then perhaps it’s time to evaluate your priorities.

Everything will pass away so why not use worldly possessions to expand God’s kingdom because that will never pass away. Make wealth so that you can build up communities. Build a business for God’s glory that others may be drawn to Him and know eternal life. Stay connected to God’s vision so that you will work towards something that lasts.

PRAYER: God, I repent for getting so wrapped up in my desires. I wanted all of these things so bad that I turned away from You to pursue them. I couldn’t be sure that You would give them to me, so I went rogue. Thank you for bringing me back. All these things are utterly meaningless. They will pass away. You and Your word will not. Please help me to keep things in perspective. In Jesus’ name, Amen.