Romans 12:2 NKJV – ‘And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.’
One thing I have noticed on social media is that everyone seems to be so “wise.” Users create these lengthy captions, think pieces, and videos, that seem to make so much sense. Sometimes they are simply entertainment, but other times they can be very harmful to us as believers when the content is contradictory to the Word of God.
The Bible tells us to not be conformed to this world and — in the age of social media — that command has become increasingly difficult to follow. It is so easy to believe that you should only focus on yourself, cut off anyone who offends you, and pursue riches and glory at all costs. But are those actions not rooted in selfishness, pride, unforgiveness, and greed? Yes, they are and these are four qualities that are certainly not Christ-like.
This is why we must be vigilant, constantly checking the validity of the ideas we consume online (and in-person) with the Word of God. In doing so, we allow the Lord to renew our minds by replacing the lies of the enemy with the truth of the Gospel. This causes a beautiful transformation in which we are shaped by God to be more like Him and, consequently, able to walk in His perfect will.
As this transformation takes place, there will be resistance. Why? Because the enemy hates to see us walk in our true identity as children of God. People you trust or love dearly may challenge your beliefs and you may even be ostracized by your peers. However, I encourage you not to get tired of doing what is good but stand firm in Christ Jesus (Galatians 6:9, John 16:33).
PRAYER: Lord, help me to not be conformed to this world but instead be transformed by the renewing of my mind that I may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God, in Jesus’ name, Amen.