• February 26, 2023



BUILD EACH OTHER UP 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

1 Thessalonians 2:8: We loved you so much that we shared with you not only God’s Good News but our own lives, too. (NLT)

I like gardening and was raised to enjoy the process which by itself is an arduous task requiring strenuous labor. 

In a similar context, building each other up is hard work that involves caring, encouraging, correcting, and sharing.  

Building each other requires that we check on people, show interest in their personal lives, connecting and doing life with them and being present in real-life events that affect them. 

People want to know how your faith in Christ translates to practical love and selfless care for others. Apostle Paul expressed his desire to build the young converts to Christianity in his days as he stated that he would gladly spend himself and all he had for the Christians in Corinth.

You need the help of the Holy Spirit to recommit and persevere in pointing students to Bible studies, prayer meetings, fellowship events, resources, and programs. 

Also important is the need to follow up with newcomers to our fellowship’s programs while continuously encouraging established members. 

It is easier and faster to destroy a building than to build a new one. So building one another requires an unwavering resolve to patiently intercede in prayer, share the gospel, praise reports, material goods, gifts, and encouragement with each other. 

It takes energy, focus, and perseverance. Building each other requires being led by the Holy Spirit and taking the initiative to pour out your time in private interaction. It could start with an ice breaker conversation on social media or in the classroom. It could progress to sharing an encouraging bible verse, helping with course work, application, project, or supporting in prayer.

Jude 1:20‭-‬21: But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit, and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God’s love. (NLT)

PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to desire and persevere in encouraging others to follow Christ by my words and action. I ask for the time and energy to make this a priority every day in Jesus name. Amen.