• September 5, 2022



DISCIPLINE 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Hebrews 12:11 (CEB): No discipline is fun while it lasts, but it seems painful at the time. Later, however, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness for those who have been trained by it.

The world is filled with people who put things off again and again and again. You are not going to let that be your story. At least not again. You need to stay strong if you are going to finish your spiritual race strong for Him.

The flesh hates discipline. The flesh hates enduring unpleasant moments because it does not want to be subject to the hardness of such rigorous activity.

It will try to escape by reminding you of other things that you need to do, places you need to be, things you need to fix, and so on. The pains of discipline are not attractive to the healthy, human mind, so it looks for a way out of momentary discomfort.  This is why this verse says, No discipline is fun while it lasts, but it seems painful at the time…” 

It may be painful to get through the process of discipline to achieve your goal or vision, but the fruit of experiencing your desired outcome is worth it all.  The remaining verse says “…, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness for those who have been trained by it.”  The benefits of discipline are available to anyone who is willing to pay the price to obtain it.

There is a price to pay for any success. Decide and be willing to go forward to win the victory.

PRAYER: Father, I am making a commitment to submit to your discipline and ask You to help me keep my promises to you. I thank You and ask You for Your indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to take charge of my flesh. Thank You for strengthening me to remain steadfast in every area of my life.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.