• April 24, 2022



DON’T HIDE YOUR SCARS 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.’ – John 20:27 NIV

Scars have different sources.

Some adults from various developing countries of the world have tribal scars on their faces or cuts on their flesh inflicted by traditional priests. They may believe these scars are a protective ritual or covenant with the spirits and gods of the family or the land.

Other scars are inflicted by accidental injuries or surgical incisions. No matter the source, all scars are constant reminders that pain was once intentionally or accidentally inflicted. 

Some scars may be visible and difficult to cover up. Sometimes they bring shame and other times, people wear them as a source of pride, but Jesus shows us the proper way to use our scars to God’s glory. 

His scars from the nails of being hung on the cross are evidence of the torture he experienced during his crucifixion. He was humble enough and bold enough to show these scars to Thomas who needed further persuasion that He was the true risen Christ.

Jesus showing Thomas His scars is a powerful example of vulnerability and transparency. 

After Jesus showed Thomas His scars, He went the extra step of inviting him to touch the scars with his fingers. What if Jesus did not go that extra step? What effect could that have had on Thomas’ belief? (Read John 20:25-28)

Now let’s put this into your perspective. Are you so insecure that you cannot share your past traumatic experiences to encourage others? Are you hiding your scars?

Nothing is new under the sun. People need to hear your stories if they are ever going to have the confidence to keep pushing through their difficult times.

They need to know that someone like them went through something similar and came out on the other end. Every scar you carry can be an opportunity for the Lord to encourage and comfort others. Scars — if you let them — can equip you to teach others (Rom 15:4). 

PRAYER: Lord, thank you that you work everything out for my good, even my scars. Help me please to stop hiding my scars. Help me to get to know them and face them everyday so that someone else might be encouraged, comforted, or learn through me. I am willing to show my scars to others. Let my scars become marks for Jesus so that through the healing I experienced and the encouragement I provide, others might have hope. In Jesus’ name, Amen.