• March 6, 2023



FLEE FROM IDOLATRY 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

1 Corinthians 10:14a: Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry (NIV)

In modern times, the word idol can sometimes be misappropriated. Let’s try to examine what the word idol means. 

An idol can be defined as anything that takes the place of God in your heart.

An idol occupies a high place in one’s heart and displaces God. When there is idolatry, God no longer guides, desire for that thing guides. You begin to do all you can towards fulfilling that desire regardless of what God thinks about it. 

Idolatry blinds you to God’s plan and makes your desire the only thing you can see. You no longer seek first God’s kingdom for everything to be added (Matthew 6:33), rather you seek that thing and forget God’s kingdom. 

In the presence of idolatry, God is displaced in your heart from reigning over your life, and the devil gains a foothold to manipulate you away from God’s plan, you begin to manifest lust and lust manifests as the sin of pride, envy, sexual immorality, faithlessness, anxiety, complaining, etc. as the case may be. (James 1:13-15)

In this state, God is not pleased. You can no longer enter into His promises for your life and you stand the possibility of being separated from Him like the children of Israel were in our reference scripture (1 Corinthians 10:1-14)

What next?: Do a soul searching and identify the idols in your heart. Are you desperate to have anything even if God has not told you anything about it? Repent of these idols and make God King in your heart again.

Key: To overcome difficult seasons in your life and to enjoy God’s best for your life, run away from idols. 

1 John 5:21: Little children keep yourselves from idols. Amen. (KJV)

PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for your love for me. I crown you as the King of my heart, and I dispose of every other thing that has taken your place in my heart. Now I see clearly that you have a plan for me that is better than anything I could ever desire. Give me the grace and patience to always be content in having you as my all in all. Amen.