• March 27, 2022



IN JESUS, THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Romans 8:1 NKJV –  ‘There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.’

Anytime I make a mistake – whether at school, at work or during social interactions – I become my hardest critic. I might have negative thoughts about myself or worry about how others may perceive me in light of the mistake. Knowing that none of this behavior is of God, I take it to the Lord in prayer and He comforts me with the knowledge that the only thing that matters in this life is that I fear God. One could be the most eloquent speaker, intelligent student and talented worker, but all those things are vain if he or she does not fear God. 

Because I fear God, I can rest in the security that comes with knowing that He is bigger than any mistakes I make. I can rest in the knowledge that His thoughts about me are good and of most relevance. I learn to see my weaknesses as opportunities for God’s strength to be made perfect in me (2 Corinthians 12:9) rather than a cause for self-loathing. As I fear God, I become more aware of His grace toward me and learn to accept it and rest in it.

I admonish you to also remember these things the next time you say the wrong thing in class or arrive late to a meeting. As children of God, excellence is our portion but that does not make us immune to human error. Fear God and be kind to yourself.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the grace that you show me. Forgive me for exalting the lies of the enemy above the truth of Your Word concerning me. Help me to not be so concerned with how I am perceived by others but instead be concerned with how I am perceived by you because all the thoughts of humans are temporary and vain but your thoughts towards me are eternal and incredibly consequential. In Jesus’ name, Amen.