• March 21, 2023



LEARNING FROM HISTORY 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope. – Romans 15:4 (NKJV)

The biblical pattern of God guiding His people is clear from the children of Israel. He delivers them from oppression of the world and sin (Egypt) with His great power. After this He proceeds to fill them with His presence, love, guidance and abundant provision as He guides them towards their expected end (Canaan). His ultimate aim for all His children is for them to worship Him. (Exodus 8:1)

 The same way, as a child of God, you were saved from sin and worldliness by the power of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. (Colossians 1:13; Galatians 1:3-5)

After this, God has supplied you with all the promises you need to successfully run the Christian race with Him.(2 Peter 1:3-4) He promises you a future and a hope and an eternity in heaven if you would trust Him and obey Him.

On the way to this expected end, like the children of Israel and like many men and women of God in the bible (e.g. Joseph, David, Paul), you will go through difficult periods of testing and temptation as you follow God’s plan for your life. This is the wilderness period just like the children of Israel.

These wilderness seasons serve the purpose of drawing you closer to God, renewing your mind from worldly ways of thinking and equipping you for a glorious destiny in God.

With God by your side and equipped by the things God has provided, you are guaranteed to cross over into your promised land of abundance and all God has in store for you.

Reach out for these provisions. Know that God wants you to succeed in this journey to heaven.

Let us learn from those who have gone before us. Avoid their pitfalls and emulate the right pattern of living they have laid before us. Finally, remember God’s grace is sufficient to see us through in every situation.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, give me a heart willing to learn from those who have gone before me in this Christian journey. Let me depend totally on your grace. Help me to follow you wholeheartedly till the end no matter comes my way. In Jesus name. Amen.