• March 20, 2022



LOVE LIKE DAVID 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

2 Samuel 1:14 NKJV – ‘So David said to him, “How was it you were not afraid to put forth your hand to destroy the LORD’s anointed?’ 

2 Samuel 1:14 was King David’s response to a man that killed Saul. Originally, God appointed Saul as king over Israel, but because of his disobedience, he lost the position God gave Him.

David was a young boy when God anointed him to be king over Israel. He was to replace Saul, but Saul was so furious and filled with jealousy that he tried to kill David more than once.

Years went by before David could begin his reign because he was on the run from Saul who made several attempts on his life. It’s amazing how when David was finally able to assume his position as king, he was sorrowful for the man that had caused him to be on the run in the first place. But David placed his life in God’s hands. He was not only content in the season of running, but he trusted in God’s justice and timing.

When he heard Saul was dead, he didn’t rejoice and say “Finally!” He was sorrowful because he revered God and understood that even in Saul’s disobedience he had been anointed by God. David’s love and reverence for God was so strong that he still considered Saul valuable despite his mistakes and disobedience. Why? Because God still loved Saul despite his disobedience. Saul had plenty of opportunity to repent and turn back to God. Jealousy and fury however filled Saul so much that he didn’t see repentance as an option for himself. 

David’s heart for God is reflected in his response and attitude towards Saul. When we truly love The Lord with all our hearts, it must be evident in the way we view others just as it was for David. God’s love in David’s heart was so strong that he naturally expressed God’s heart for Saul.

PRAYER: God, please forgive me for wishing bad things on my enemy. In my imperfections you have never cast me off. I have no right to cast someone away no matter how much wrong that person has caused me. God, open my eyes to my own imperfections so that I will walk in humility. You bring low the proud and raise up the humble. I want to be humble in your eyes. Thank you for your unconditional love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.