• April 5, 2022



MIGHTY TO SAVE 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Psalms 118:5 ICB – ‘I was in trouble. So I called to the Lord. The Lord answered me and set me free.’

“Savior, You can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save. He is mighty to save.” 

Today remind yourself what God has done for you. Sometimes we forget the life we lived before He snatched us from darkness. Sometimes we forget all the times God saved us from a bad decision or a bad circumstance. Sometimes we forget the endless testimonies we have from finding our missing headphones to experiencing His miraculous healing power. God’s mercies are brand new every morning, so we have a new testimony of God’s goodness every day. 

The best thing He ever did for you was send His Son. Jesus Christ brutally died on the cross and ROSE FROM THE DEAD. Now, through Him we die and come back to life so that we have real life and have it more abundantly. You are living in the abundance of His love and power. And with that abundance, our God is moving mountains in our lives daily. Let us not forget all that He is doing in our lives. Today look for Him in your daily tasks. See Him working in your life and get ready to fall in love with Him all over again.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for what you did on the cross. Thank you just for being who You are. I pray that I never forget my testimonies. Please continue to remind me of how far You have brought me. In Jesus name, Amen.