• January 11, 2023



OPEN EYES 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace. – Jeremiah 6:14 (NIV)

Imagine if you had a doctor who told you that you were healthy every time you visited them, no matter what your condition actually was? That would be a wicked or incompetent doctor. This scenario describes what Jeremiah 6:14 is saying pretty well.

There is not always peace, but would you know?

How do you assess your environment, your life, the world around you?

Make a decision today: I will look with the eyes of God.

There is not always peace. We must realize this if we are to follow God. There will be times where we experience trouble in our souls, where there are problems in our world to be solved, when God is using our circumstances to call us to repentance, or when we are simply stuck in our own ways.

Those are not the times to talk of peace when there is no peace.

When we look with the eyes of God, we are able to see things as they are and not judge by our understanding. When we look with the eyes of God, we expose ourselves to God’s goodness and give Him the highest authority in our lives.

Often we make decisions that are for our comfort alone, we avoid taking responsibility or acknowledging the problems that God has called us to solve. It is better for us to obey God, and be saved from spiritual death, than to ignore him for a temporary and deceptive feeling we call peace. God’s assessment may hurt at times, but it is for the best. 

PRAYER: Lord, I surrender again to you. Purify my heart and cleanse me so I can follow you. Let your word take the highest precedence in my life no matter how I feel. Help me to see life through your eyes and obey your word no matter how difficult it may seem in Jesus name. Amen.