• March 14, 2023



OUR DAILY TASK 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

2 Corinthians 4:4: In whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (NASB)

Have you ever used windshield wipers on a rainy day? 

Have you ever tried not using them? You’d probably get into an accident right? 

Well the Word of God is similar, but unlike windshield wipers, if you stop applying the Word, you won’t always feel the crash. 

In the physical world if you lose your vision while driving, you will almost always die a painful death. But in the spiritual, death is slow and deceptive. You see – if you felt it, you would know, and then you might even fight it.

 Can you see where this is headed?

The Bible says that the god of this world has blinded the hearts of human beings. Satan has found a way to hide the sting of death. We have fallen in love with the illusion! With enticing things of this physical realm, the enemy has doped our spirits to stupor. 

Our instinct no longer is for our Maker, but for lesser things. Our world is eating and drinking, satisfaction of our eyes, the filling of our pockets, achievement of our greatest desires. 

Friends, know that Satan does not seek to convince you as he does to confuse you. The Bible calls him the father of Lies, because his enemy is the Truth. He does not wish to make you a black clothed cultist anymore than he wishes you a church going member who spends an hour on their phone before they open their Bible in the morning. Any perversion of truth is a victory for him, and he fights for every inch. 

Here is heaven’s answer though. 

The Bible is a solvent that releases the soul and spirit from its drugged state. 

Let us wash ourselves again! That we may feel the pull and urge of our Father’s Spirit like we once did. 

That we may not just maintain, but grow in right living and godliness. 

We must not fear the pain of conviction, for it is the sign that our Spirit man is alive and well. 

Perfect love will drive out that fear, and replace it with a desire to be whatever God might make of a willing vessel.

So pick it up. Pick up his Word and wash yourself carefully clean with it. 

In detailed fashion study it, take His instruction and allow His Holy Spirit to sift your heart. 

He will begin to reawaken spiritual senses. He will show you a path that you could not have reasoned for yourself. And the next day, do it again, and again, and again. Because the rain keeps falling, and the enemy continues to seek to pull you back under.  

PRAYER: Lord you are my Rock and Salvation. Wake me from my slumber, and strengthen my weak hands! Teach my hands to fight with the weapon of your Word. Help me to guard my heart! Your Word will become a light to my path, and a lamp to my feet. I will seek you every day. Help me to not lose sight of you. Help me to seek your kingdom, and not the earthly world that is in front of me. Deliver me from Satan’s temptation and deceit. I do not want to live in vanity, but in truth. Establish my ways and help me to remain always in You. In Jesus name I pray.