• February 22, 2022



POWER IN HIS RESURRECTION 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Romans 6:12 ICB – ‘So, do not let sin control you in your life here on earth. You must not be ruled by the things your sinful self makes you want to do.’

Jesus’ mother and followers saw Him hanging on the cross. They felt the earthquake beneath them when Jesus’ spirit left His body. They watched Him die in the most painful and drawn-out way. Nowadays, we might call a situation like that traumatizing. The despair and sorrow had to be indescribable. Imagine crying yourself to sleep, knowing that the next morning you’d wake up to the reality that Jesus – the one you dedicated your life to – is in a tomb. Devastation had to be consuming His followers’ hearts. As if that isn’t enough, you visit the tomb to take care of His body and find it empty. Thank goodness, He rose. 

It’s important to grasp the gravity of Jesus’ death on the cross. He willingly endured that unjust treatment for our freedom. How dare we become comfortable with sin when He made such a large sacrifice to free us? Sin has no power over us because of the resurrection. Don’t assume that having a sinful nature or a strong desire for unholy things means that you must live a life of sin. You have a choice. Remember Romans 6 verse 8: “If we died with Christ, we know that we will also live with him.” Living with Christ means we have access to grace, forgiveness, power, peace and so on. Nothing can overpower us, unless we give it our permission. 

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for giving me life and a new hope. Thank you for rescuing me from death and all the things that tried to overtake me. When I feel weak and helpless, remind me how living with You means I can walk in victory not defeat. I have all the strength I need to combat any wrongful desire because of You. Every day You offer me abundant life. Please help me to accept it, embrace it, and settle for nothing less than it. In Jesus name, Amen.