• April 14, 2022



POWER TO FORGIVE 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Mark 11:25 ICB – ‘When you are praying, and you remember that you are angry with another person about something, then forgive him. If you do this, then your Father in heaven will also forgive your sins.’

Matthew 18:21-35 NKJV – ‘Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. “Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants […]’

Have you ever tried to commune with the Lord and the thought of “Sister Joanne” coupled with the emotion of irritation arose? Or maybe the conversation with “Brother Marc”, that ended awfully a couple of months ago, hit the surface of your heart? How about the condemnation attached to your offense against God last week (though you already repented)?

Did you sulk in your emotions without presenting them to the Lord? Did you falsely attempt to be righteous and push those thoughts to the back of your mind; so you could get through your quiet time? Or did you decide to ultimately move onto  a distraction such as Youtube or work from your job?

Unforgiveness is an entanglement that robs your peace, joy, and freedom.

The opposite is also true. Forgiveness allows peace, joy and freedom to enter your heart. And when it’s in your heart no circumstance or person can get to it. Do you not want to have the type of peace, joy and freedom that cannot be tampered with by anything or anyone? 

Forgiveness is very powerful, but sometimes we do not recognize that. What would have happened to your life, if God had not forgiven you? Where would you be? Where would we all be? God forgave us and that changed the whole course of our life.

This is not to say it is easy to forgive. It is not easy to forgive especially when you are trying to do it in your own strength. It takes the strength and humility that only comes from God. Only He can empower you from the inside out to forgive your neighbor and yourself. Seek His help. 

And do not think you are off the hook if you are angry at yourself. Forgiving ourselves is just as important as forgiving others. If you are at war within your own self how can you be at peace with the rest of the world? Ask God to forgive you. You only have to ask once. Then forgive yourself. Then you can forgive others. 

PRAYER: Lord, thank You because You epitomized what forgiveness looks like when you sent your Son. Grant me the strength and humility to forgive _____. Help me to empathize with those who have hurt me. Help me to recognize the wrongs and imperfections in myself so that I freely offer forgiveness. Forgive me for my sins and continue to grow me in Your love. In Jesus name, Amen.