• October 24, 2022



RESPONDING TO GOD’S LOVE 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Malachi 1:2 NIV – ‘“I have loved you,” says the Lord…

I visualize God as One who seeks out humanity simply to love them. We were created for His pleasure. He loved us before we truly knew what love was. Maybe you’ve heard this before. Maybe it sounds trivial to you, but the truth is we can never begin to know the extent of God’s love or share it with others until we first receive the unconditional love He offers us. 

I see God pursuing us just as Christ sought to heal a man born blind. (John 9). Christ healed him of physical blindness and the man walked away still ‘spiritually blind’ but rejoicing that he could see with his physical eyes.

The religious sect of his time threw him out of their gathering because he refused to deny his testimony of receiving sight. Christ heard about the man’s plight and sought after him again. What an unending love that would not let go. 

 When Jesus found him, He said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” 

The man replied, “Who is He, Sir? Tell me so that I may believe in Him. 

Jesus said, “You have now seen Him; in fact, He is the one speaking with you.” 

Then the man said, “Lord, I believe,” and he worshiped Him. (John 9:35-39)

What a beautiful picture of accepting God’s love! Let’s imitate it. Let’s not try to understand and think through it or ask for any more signs. Let’s just say, “Tell me of your love Lord so that I may believe.”

PRAYER: Lord, help me to accept your love for me, so that I can come into your open arms of embrace to receive your unconditional, redeeming and saving love in Jesus name, Amen. 

For further study, read John Chapter 9