• May 24, 2023



STAY WATCHFUL 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

1 Corinthians 10:11-12 ERV – ‘The things that happened to those people are examples. They were written to be warnings for us. We live in the time that all those past histories were pointing to. So, anyone who thinks they are standing strong should be careful that they don’t fall.’

God is a holy God who does not show partiality. He has everlasting principles that never change. He welcomes everyone who fears him, always does what is right and corrects unrepentant sin no matter who possesses it (Acts 10:34-35; Ezekiel 28:15-16). 

Israel – as God’s chosen people – experienced the blessing and salvation of God. They experienced depths of God that could only be considered a privilege. Unfortunately, because they did not consecrate themselves daily to God, they took their privileged position for granted and fell into greed, lust, sexual immorality and idolatry. These wicked behaviors led to judgement from God. 

 At the same time, Balaam was also someone who had a privileged relationship with God. He was an accurate prophet who knew the mind of God; Everyone he blessed was blessed and everyone he cursed was cursed. Unfortunately, Balaam had an unchecked problem with greed. He was warned against siding with God’s enemies but persisted because of his love for money. His greed blinded him so much that his donkey had to warn him on one occasion. 

2 Peter 2:15-16 ERV- ‘He (Balaam) was the son of Beor, who loved being paid for doing wrong. But a donkey told him that he was doing wrong. A donkey cannot talk, of course, but that donkey spoke with a man’s voice and stopped the prophet from acting so crazy.’

 Because of his greed and unchecked behavior, he exposed the secrets of God’s people to an enemy nation. 

Revelation 2:14 ERV –  ‘…Balaam taught Balak how to make the people of Israel sin. They sinned by eating food offered to idols and by committing sexual sins.’ 

Israel’s unchecked lusts and Balaam’s unchecked greed led to God’s judgment on Israel and Balaam; Balaam died in unfortunate circumstances and many Israelites perished in the wilderness (Joshua 13:22; 1 Corinthians 10:1-10).

 As Christians, we need constant pruning and washing that can only happen in God’s presence. When we don’t constantly examine our lives and repent before God, we become prone to fulfilling wicked desires and sinning against God. This way we stand a risk of losing God’s best for our lives and being separated from Him.

The New Testament contains numerous instructions on how we can guard our hearts from wickedness. Jesus told us to watch and pray (Matthew 26:41). Peter commanded that we should be sober and vigilant (1 Peter 5:8). Apostle Paul also instructed us in 2 Corinthians 13:5 (ERV): ‘Look closely at yourselves. Test yourselves to see if you are living in the faith…’

 Take time out today and make it a habit to regularly examine yourself before God. This way, you will not fall into Balaam’s error or Israel’s sin.

 PRAYER: Dear Father, thank you for the privilege to belong to you. Please help me to take my walk with you seriously. Help me to be careful so I do not fall in Jesus’ name. Amen.