For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. -Titus 2:11
Who can stand against the Lord?
If God decides that He wants to do something, is there a man or force that could stop Him? If He decided to change a legislation, give you money that you need, or heal a broken leg, could He not do it?
The logical answer may be yes. And so I ask, if we believe so much in His strength, why we still believe so much in our weakness?
We often plead with God. We plead for whatever our hearts may want or what we think we need….we plead for solutions. We ask for grace to do hard things, grace to overcome, deliverance from evils too many to count. We might say we believe in God, but many of us have an old collection of lost hopes. Things that have taken too long, seem too unchangeable or don’t seem to be part of God’s plan for our life.
“I’ve tried for many years and I’m just not good at school”….“I’ve been trying to read my bible for years, but I just can’t be consistent. Lord give me grace.” ……. “Telling people my testimony just isn’t for me. I don’t think I have the grace for that.”…….”I know I’ve gone back to pornography time and time again….. but I’m only human.”
Yes, God empathizes with our weakness in these times. It’s our natural response to turn for help to one who has said He will deliver us. But we grow up often taught that God is distant and far, on His way to do instead of already doing, that there is some penance we must pay before He finally takes our burden from our shoulders.
But here is a secret, a surprise of sorts to those who have grown weary in crying out to God.
What if I told you that God had already decided? It happened long ago, predating your day of salvation, predating even the cross. To before creation. The Bible says that it was always God’s intention to save you from sin. 1 Peter 1:19-20 says that Jesus was set apart before the world was formed, to die for you. And in that intention, grace, and power to release you was extended. In short, grace is already here for you! It is not something that you must beg God for. Grace is a gift that God gave man before the world began. We simply have been fooled into asking for what has already been given, and so we do not claim it. A simpler way to see it is this; Grace has been placed in front of every man. The Word of God and Faith are the Light that allows us to now see what was there all along!
So be bold, and don’t give up! If Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, then claim grace for your situation, and believe(EVEN IF YOU DON’T SEE IT) that you have everything and that you are everything that His Word says you are! Because God already decided………..and who can stand against the LORD?
Lord help me to hold on to the truth of your word. To know that your grace abounds and that you will always be my Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.