Enthroned on His stool, the Potter’s heart is filled with colors bursting with Love.
His delight is to make things beautiful.
His eyes, they shine, aflame with passion for everything He molds into a vessel. You see the Potter gifts all of His creations to His Son. It’s His greatest joy to give His Son everything He makes.
Alas, the mystery of The Potter is how He can find beauty in making dirt into clay, and clay into a masterpiece.
Clay doesn’t shine, it’s not elegant at first. Yet the process, the attention that is given to it, makes it something to be marveled at.
The clay testifies of The One who reached His hand deep into the earth and brought forth, not gold, but soil. This clay soil tells a story of erosion. Being broken down by all kinds of wind and rain, weathered down by the tempest of life. Scattered. Formless.
Yet, the Potter very much intends to gather the clay to make it whole.
How does He bring form to what was formless?
His hands are faithful. His eyes never leave the clay as it turns, rises, and falls on the wheel.
His foot guides the wheel.
His heart fully committed to demonstrating the love overflowing inside Him.
His mind filled with pure thoughts about the very purpose of this Vessel.
It is to serve as an honorable vessel. To be filled with Water, Oil, and New Wine.
The more attention He gives the Vessel, the more pliable and submitted the clay.
The secret to a beautiful Vessel is one that has been transformed by the faithful hand of The Potter.
The clay, that was formless and void of any use, becomes the Vessel He envisioned before the clay was even gathered.
The Vessel testifies of the unrelenting care of The Potter. The One who makes all things Beautiful.