• March 11, 2023



TRUE RIGHTEOUSNESS 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Matthew 5:19-20: Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. (NKJV)

Our Lord Jesus Christ in the sermon on the mount spoke about the requirements to enter the kingdom of heaven. He made it clear that not everyone who calls Him Lord will make it: only those that do the will of His Father in heaven will make it there. (Matthew 7:20-23)

Here in our reference scripture, He also stressed an important point about true righteousness that makes it to heaven. To make it to heaven, our righteousness has to exceed (be greater, be better, be purer, be more genuine, be more obedient) than that of the hypocritical scribes and Pharisees of His time.

Today’s devotional will focus on characteristics of the “righteousness of Pharisees” that you and I have to avoid if we want to see Jesus after our time here on earth.


  • Based on external good deeds and not on the righteousness and sanctifying power made available in Christ. There is only one way to be right with God. Having faith in Christ. (Romans 3:19-26; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:4-7)
  • Full of hypocrisy. Being outwardly righteous but inwardly filthy. Preaching one thing and doing another. (Matthew 23:1-4)
  • Twists the gospel to suit personal needs and to excuse personal weaknesses. Choosing which part of the bible is to be adhered to and which part to ignore.(Matthew 5:17-19)
  • Does not look inward but looks to others for comparison and to feel better than others.(Luke 18:10-12)
  • Denys the power of God to save, heal, deliver from bondage. A righteousness that denies the supernatural and opposes the truth.(Mark 3:22)
  • A righteousness devoid of love and mercy.(Matthew 23:23)

Jesus is saying: You must aim for true righteousness to make it to the Kingdom of Heaven.

May God help us in Jesus name. Amen.

PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus. Thank you for revealing to me what true righteousness is. Please give me the grace to daily rest in your righteousness alone. Please give me the grace to abide in you and keep your commandments. Help me to always walk in obedience to your Holy Spirit and stay away from anything that would make me unqualified for heaven in Jesus name. Amen.