• April 20, 2022



VANITY 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Isaiah 50:11 NIV – ‘But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches,go, walk in the light of your fires and of the torches you have set ablaze. This is what you shall receive from my hand: You will lie down in torment.’ 

Here is a trustworthy saying; The light of your own fire may warm you, but it can never lead you.

The fire that men light for themselves — a fire that comes from themselves — can bring warmth and comfort. It can make you feel safe and secure. But it is temporary. It is surface level.

How can something made by your own hands satisfy the depths of your soul? The light that comes from God leads. It brings any man out of trouble and despair and into the perfect and secure love of Jesus Christ. It is deeper and truer than our feelings.

If all the goodness in your life, the things that make you truly happy, if they come from you then please listen! The road you are walking leads to disappointment.

There is a greater light and a greater fire that doesn’t fade away, and it comes from Jesus Christ. These things we think can satisfy us may even come from God: our families, our significant other or our children. Or they could be things we’ve built over time, like our reputation, degrees or careers. None of these can FILL us! They are gifts not solid foundations.

Only Jesus FILLS! Every man knows that inner longing for meaning, for rest and peace. May I implore and challenge you to assess your heart and ask “What defines me?”

And by the grace of God, may you consider the love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ made to set you free and give  you hope. He is the Life, and His Life is the true Light of men (John 1:4).

PRAYER: God, I have not been totally dependent on you. I have sought for meaning and purpose in many lesser things, and now I come to you. I want to be warmed by your fire, to be led by your light. I surrender my life to you, and I repent of my independence in Jesus’ name. Help me to see you as the most valuable , no matter how appealing this world looks. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.