• February 18, 2022



VISION FOR LAMPSTAND 1024 683 Bethel Campus Fellowship


– Uncle George

The Bethel Campus Fellowship Lampstand is a campus ministry magazine that addresses doctrinal topics and contemporary issues, with the aim to grow a generation of bold, young believers who are biblically sound, consistently mature, and vibrantly authentic in their Christian faith. 


God Himself paints the iconic vision of the lampstand and its powerful function when He instructs Moses and the children of Israel to build the Tabernacle of His presence. (Exodus 25:31-39; Exodus 37:17-24; Exodus 27:20-21.)


Skilled craftsmen were to make the lampstand of pure gold (valuable, tested by fire and purified), to set in the holy place (set apart and consecrated for specific use) and had the purpose of shining light in the tabernacle continually (perpetually made available for dedicated worship). The lampstand was powered by oil, symbolizing the power of the Holy Spirit, and was to be tended by the priests so that its light never runs out.


Symbolically, Jesus is the Light of the world, and by unity with Him and through His Holy Spirit who lives in us, we are children of light and are called to be light in this generation.


The BCF Lampstand aims to continually shine the light of Christ to high school, college and campus students, in alignment with the vision of the Bethel Campus Fellowship, which is “leading students to Christ, and preparing them to become reliable men and women that God can trust with His Word for the next generation.”


The BCF Lampstand strives to be a platform that answers the burning questions on the hearts and souls of students and young professionals and to equip them to lead others to Christ. Our goal is to provide articles and resources to enable many to become mature Christians, capable of demonstrating a practical knowledge of Christ by the way they live.