• March 13, 2022



WATCHING WHAT I WATCH 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

Matthew 6:22 ESV – “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.”

One day I was watching TV with my family. Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed and sad and afraid. So many emotions hit me at once. 

The emotions intensified until eventually I tuned out what was happening around me and started feeling sorry for myself. I started to question so many things: family, life, etc. Then suddenly, I heard, “Snap out of it!”. That’s when I realized every thought I was thinking was a lie from the enemy. And I realized the thoughts were originating from the TV show I was watching. 

Though the show seemed innocent, there were subtle agendas within it.  The main character of the show wanted attention and always felt like they were being targeted. As a result, that’s how I felt.

This experience taught me that I need to be more intentional and careful about what I watch. The Bible says that the eye is the lamp of the body and that if the eye is healthy then the entire body is healthy. This means that what we allow ourselves to watch is important. After this moment I began to pray for wisdom so that my family and I can better discern what is good to watch and what isn’t. We should all be intentional and careful about what we expose ourselves to because it has real consequences. 

PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to guard my heart by watching what I watch. Lord give me discernment and mindfulness in  the music I listen to and the shows I watch. Lord help my family to do the same. In Jesus’ name, Amen.