• June 7, 2022



WHAT DO YOU SEE? 150 150 Bethel Campus Fellowship

So we set our eyes not on what we see but on what we cannot see. What we see will last only a short time. But what we cannot see will last forever. – 2 Corinthians 4:18

Take a dive with me, into the world of Instagram (one of the world’s largest online platforms). What do you see?

There are personal trainers, delectable plates of food, models, the newest dances and so much more. When we dwell in this environment we can find much inspiration to do, many reasons to change.

“Wow, her weight loss story was so incredible.”

“True! That word is for me!”

“I have to get a hat that looks like that.”

Our own identities come under scrutiny when we view the highlights of the world around us, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.

We tend to put our trust in these images because of how they appear: happy, in control, better. This isn’t the way that leads to life though, as the bible tells us to set our eyes on what we cannot see rather than on what we can see (2 Corinthians 4:18). The meaning of this is that what we see is temporary, and as a result very misleading!

But how can I set my eyes on something that I can’t see? 

A simple way to start, today, is with your thoughts! The bible says that we should “continue to think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected.” in Phillipians 4:8. The bible gives even more context to what is good in Galatians 5:22 – “But the Spirit gives love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control…

These spiritual things are more trustworthy, more meaningful, and more rewarding than the things we see physically. Take a step of faith and take a break from the visual buffet we often treat ourselves to with all our tech. Set your eyes on what you can’t physically see.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father I thank you, that you are my light. You are the light to my path and the reason I can make any sense of what is good or bad. Help me cherish and fix my eyes on  things which I cannot see that will outlive my time here on earth. Help me to value spiritual things more than physical things and give me the grace to trust you in the midst of a world that cannot see or understand you, this I pray in Jesus name.